Nature has blessed up with so many superfoods. Moringa, Single Clove Himalayan Garlic, and Gymnema Sylvestre are to name a few. Gymnema is a plant with leaves that are consumed in tea, powder and pill form. This woody shrub is seen growing in the tropical forests of India, Australia, and Africa. The leaves of Gurmar are consumed for their medicinal values. This is the reason that it is a prominent remedy used in Ayurveda for thousands of years. This plant hails from the most-effective Asclepiadaceae family of perennial climbers.
No wonder being an anti-diabetic herb, Gymnema Sylvestre is called Gurmar. Gurmar means “sugar destroyer”. Nature has offered us native medicines in the form of plants like Gurmar. Gurmar acts as a natural remedy for diabetes that you never knew!
History of Gymnestre Sylvestre
Gurmar has a long history in Ayurveda. It was first used to treat diabetes about 2,000 years ago. This herbal plant was recommended against a condition called “honey urine“. It is now that the whole world believes in its power to heal the human body in many ways.
10 Life-Changing Benefits of Gymnema Sylvestre
This miracle shrub is a natural remedy for many health issues like malaria and snakebites. Read on to see why adhering to a Plant-based Diet, herbs, and shrubs like Gurmar is beneficial for your whole body.
#1. Reduces Sugar Cravings

Trust the power of Gymnema to curb your sweet desires. Trust us all your sugar cravings will get subsided once you rely on the superpower of this herb. It has the power to act on your taste buds. The extracts of this plant help to reduce the perception of sugary flavours. That in turn reduces your craving for sweets and sugars. This is the reason, that people on Keto Diet prefer replacing their sugar intake with Gurmar.
#2. Controls Blood Sugar Levels

With a drop in your sugar cravings, your blood sugar levels will drop. As per World Health Organization (WHO), a good percentage of people around the world suffer from diabetes. With such a high ratio, it is obvious for most of us to look for natural ways to control blood sugar levels. Gymnema Sylvestre is a blessing for diabetics with its anti-diabetic properties.
#3. Promote Weight Loss

This herb is a blessing in disguise for obese people with weight issues. According to a study, when some rats were fed with Gurmar’s extract for a few days they gained less weight. Another study conducted on about 60 obese people revealed something similar. A considerable reduction in body weight after the intake of medicinal plant extract.
#4. Improves Antioxidant Levels

Gymnema is a life-changing plant and we have another reason to say so! It is rich in antioxidants like Flavonoids and Tannins. Obese people have lower antioxidants levels and higher oxidative stress levels. This leads to ailments like cancer, diabetes, fatty liver diseases, and metabolic syndrome. The extracts of Gymnema can manage this imbalance. It can help enhance the antioxidant levels in your body. Besides, it decreases your oxidative stress levels.
#5. Reduces Risks of Heart Diseases

Are you are looking for a natural remedy to lower down your bad cholesterol or LDL? Then your search should stop at Gymnema Sylvestre. Gymnema extract helps decrease LDL cholesterol levels by about 20%. Besides, it increases good cholesterol or HDL by approximately 22%. When both LDL and HDL levels are under check, there will be lesser risks of heart diseases.
#6. Reduces Inflammation

The human body is prone to inflammation. Gurmar serves as a treat for people with chronic inflammation problems. With its anti-inflammatory properties, the extracts of this plant help to decrease inflammation. It is because this plant is rich in compounds like Saponins and Tannins. Both these compounds help to regulate the immune system. This will help to reduce harmful inflammation.
#7. Higher Insulin Levels
Gymnema Sylvestre helps increase insulin levels in the body. Experts believe that Gymnema Sylvestre acts as herbal therapy. It increases insulin secretion in the body. The higher the insulin level lower will be your blood sugar level.
#8. Good For Your Pancreas

Gymnema Sylvestre is a plant good for your pancreas. Various studies revealed that regular intake of this plant helps increase the growth of healthy cells in the pancreas. As a result, when the pancreas will function properly, your body will produce more insulin.
#9. Anti-Viral and Anti-Microbial Properties

Many doctors in western countries appreciate Gurmar. This herb carries a phytochemical compound. This compound is known for its anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-microbial properties. Due to this, it helps fight against various types of bacteria and infections.
#10. Health Promoting Properties

Gymnema possesses all the health-promoting properties. Various medical researches revealed that it is 100% safe and effective in treating digestive issues, reducing triglycerides, and increasing urine output. This plant can help you deal with several health ailments without any side effects.
Side Effects of Gymnema Sylvestre
We have not come across any particular side effects of Gurmar extracts. Following are some precautions regarding the usage of Gymnestre Sylvestre:
1. Experts believe that one should not take it for more than 20 months in a stretch.
2. Diabetic people should not rely only on Gymnema Sylvestre to control their insulin levels. They should not stop taking their oral medicine.
3. Pregnant and breastfeeding ladies must not use Gurmar without consulting their doctor.
4. Is there a surgical process scheduled for you? Then stop using Gymnestre Sylvestre at least 2-weeks before your surgery.
How to Consume Gurmar?
You now know the benefits and side-effects of this life-changing herb. Let us now describe how to consume it to extract most of its benefits. The easiest way of consuming Gurmar is in pill or tablet form. Besides, you can take it in a powder, pill or tea form too. Do you want to try this herb to block sugar receptors? We recommend you to consume its supplement at least 5 minutes before a high-sugar meal.

Dosage: The right dose of Gurmar will depend on factors like the current health condition, age of the user, and so on. Besides, do follow the directions and warnings mentioned on the labels of this product. Although, a natural product, it may turn out harmful if used inappropriately.
Words From FitWithGreens
Gymnema Sylvestre is an Alternative Therapeutic Agent to control diabetes. It also helps relieve symptoms like metabolic syndrome, cough, and constipation. This plant is super beneficial as it contains a group of acids called gymnemic acid, which helps fight against diabetes and obesity.
So, if you are looking for a natural remedy to combat Weight gain, diabetes and fight your sweet tooth, make sure you try this plant extract at least once in life. Do not worry about where to grab this medicinal extract. You can pick it easily from any online store or retail shop.
I’m trying gurmar from now on. Hope to get off metformin some day.
Definitely Frank! you will see the results quickly. All the best 🙂