Pulses are not the only vegan food rich in proteins. Nature has offered us many more vegetarian food items rich in proteins. Take, for instance, Pine Nuts! Not just proteins! These nuts are rich in healthy fatty acids, and many essential antioxidants. Many people consider pine nuts the healthiest nut in the world. 

Pine nuts are grown in countries like India, Afghanistan, China, and Pakistan. They are available in 29 different varieties. Pine nuts come from the Pinaceae family. These nuts are also known as Chilgoza in Hindi. Other names given to this healthiest nut are Pinon Nut, Pignoli, and Pinus Gerardiana. Pine nuts also make a good choice for those who look for health along with taste. It is because, unlike other food items, these nuts offer a buttery and crunchy taste. 

Nutritional Value of Pine Nuts

Do you want to know why pine nuts are the healthiest nut in the world? Reading the nutritional value of just one serving of pine nuts will make you trust us. Listed below are the nutrients found in 28 grams of pine nuts.

  • Fat: 19 grams
  • Protein: 9 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 3.7 grams
  • Fiber: 1 gram
  • Potassium: 169 mg
  • Phosphorus: 163 mg
  • Magnesium: 70 mg
  • Zinc: 8 mg
  • Vitamin E: 7 mg
  • Iron: 6 mg
  • Thiamine: 1 mg
  • Calories: 191

9 Benefits of Pine Nuts That You Never Knew

Chilgoza or Pine Nuts boasts to contain a whole range of nutrients. There are not one or two reasons for us to name it the healthiest nut in the world. We have 9 reasons to recommend these nuts for their health benefits, and they are listed below:

#1. Good for Heart Health

The higher the LDL cholesterol levels, the higher will be the risk of heart diseases. If you consume pine nuts, you choose to consume Pinolenic acid. Pinolenic acid helps to lower LDL cholesterol levels. Some studies revealed that pinolenic acid pushes the liver to absorb more LDL or bad cholesterol present in the blood. 

Pinolenic acid in Pine Nuts helps to lower LDL cholesterol levels

#2. Controls Blood Sugar Levels

Some animal studies revealed that extracts of pine nuts help to decrease fasting blood glucose levels. Another study conducted in the year 2014 showed that pine nuts can help to control blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes. Moreover, polyphenols and manganese present in these nuts help in reducing the diabetes risk. Both manganese and polyphenols also reduce the stress activators in the human body.

Polyphenols and manganese present in Pine nuts help in managing blood sugar levels

#3. Good for Brain Power

If you think that only fish oil is rich in Omega-3s, then you are wrong! Opt for pine nuts to enjoy the benefits of Omega-3s. As per the National Institutes of Health, pine nuts are considered to be a rich source of ALA Omega-3. ALA helps your body by converting itself into two other Omega-3s: EPA and DHA. Both these Omega-3s are good for your brainpower. Sprinkle a few pine nuts on any dish to get the twin benefit of crunchy taste and power of Omega-3s.

Pine nuts are considered to be a rich source of ALA Omega-3. ALA helps your body by converting itself into two other Omega-3s EPA and DHA. Both these Omega-3s are good for your brainpower.

#4. Prevents Aging with Antioxidants

Include pine nuts in your daily snacks to bless your skin and hair. Some antioxidants present in Pine Nuts are Catechin, Carotenoids, Gallocatechin, Lutein, Lycopene, and Tocopherols. All these antioxidants help combat free radicals to keep aging at bay. Those who consume these nuts don’t suffer from age-related issues. These seeds are rich in antioxidants that are proven to prevent aging.

Pine Nuts are rich in antioxidants like Catechin, Carotenoids, Gallocatechin, Lutein, Lycopene, and Tocopherols. All these antioxidants help combat free radicals to keep aging at bay.

#5. Keeps you feel fuller to Maintain Weight

Weightwatchers must add pine nuts to their diet. Pine Nuts or Chilgoza is rich in fiber, protein, and healthy fats. Only a handful of these nuts will keep you feeling fuller and satisfied for a longer time. As a result, you will prevent yourself from taking in more calories. Do you know what all this will lead to? You are right, as it will help you maintain your weight. Besides, pine nuts also contain some fatty acids that assist in weight loss.

Pine Nuts are rich in fiber, protein, and healthy fats. Only a handful of these nuts will keep you feeling fuller and satisfied for a longer time. As a result, it will prevent you from taking in more calories and help you in maintaining Bodyweight.

#6. Makes Bones Stronger

Yes, calcium helps to make bones stronger. But not calcium for that matter even Vitamin K can do the same! A study revealed that Vitamin K helps to prevent osteoporosis. Besides, it helps to increase bone mineral density. It also reduces the chances of bone fractures. Those on cholesterol-lowering medicines often suffer from Vitamin K deficiency. Consuming pine nuts helps in lowering cholesterol levels without any such medicines. This in turn helps in the proper absorption of Vitamin K. 

Pine nuts are rich in Vitamin K which makes bones stronger.

#7. Good for Eyesight

Pine nuts are the healthiest nut in the world because they are good for eyesight. Many studies revealed that this nut is rich in an antioxidant called lutein. Lutein is also known as the eye vitamin. There is also a considerable amount of Vitamin A and Vitamin E present in these nuts. Both these vitamins help in improving vision.

Pine nut is rich in antioxidants called Lutein which is also known as eye Vitamin.

#8. Reduces Cancer Risk

Snacking on pine nuts means getting a good dose of magnesium. Magnesium is a mineral that helps to reduce the risk of several types of cancer. One big reason to call pine nuts the healthiest nut is their anti-cancer property. According to a study, the consumption of magnesium-packed chilgoza reduces the risk of pancreatic cancer by 25%. 

#9. Controls PMS Symptoms in Women

Magnesium and Vitamin B6 helps to control Post Menstrual Syndrome or PMS symptoms in females. Both these essential nutrients can be found together in pine nuts. So, women who suffer from PMS symptoms must consider adding these nuts to their diet.

Magnesium and Vitamin B6 in Pine Nuts helps to control Post Menstrual Syndrome in Women

How to Consume Pine Nuts?

You can improve your cardiovascular health by consuming 30 grams of pine nuts daily. 30 grams is about a handful, so worry not if you are not able to measure 30 grams with a measuring scale. You can consume these nuts raw and in a blended manner too. Please refer to its delicious list of recipes.

Salad with Pine Nuts, Grapefruit, and Arugula garnished with beets Hemispheres.

Side Effects of Pine Nuts

Pine nuts are 100% safe to consume in any form. Only a few people suffer from Pine Mouth Syndrome. This syndrome creates a metallic and bitter taste in the mouth after consuming 10-12 pine nuts. The cause of this syndrome is the degradation of fat content in these nuts. This syndrome can stay there for up to 2 weeks. 

Words From FitWithGreens

Pine nuts are worth it even if they are expensive. It is because they are power-packed with many nutrients. Pine nuts are the healthiest nuts with an array of health benefits. The best thing about these nuts is that they can be added to any meal or eaten raw as a snack. 

Don’t hesitate to try these nutritious nuts because you won’t get disappointed! Pine nuts will not only add nutritional value to your meal but make it more delicious. So, do try it once, and we bet you will see yourself recommending these to others.