About Us
Who We Are
Welcome! We’re extremely delighted by your recent visits to FitWithGreens, and we hope you jump on the bandwagon in embracing a modest yet healthful lifestyle the vegetarian way.
FitWithGreens was created with a clear purpose in mind. We seek to empower the world to be more conscious of their dietary habits through our educational resources backed by scientific research. We want to transform the planet, individual by individual, both mentally and physically, to live green, breathe green, and passionately love green. It’s who we are.
We are sick of witnessing masses of people succumbing to lifestyle diseases because they eat toxics they barely know about. We are saddened by the abnormally increasing numbers of obese and diabetic individuals when healthy plant-derived foods are easily accessible. For that reason, we chose to commit ourselves to saving mankind by spreading the good news about the health-giving power of vegetarianism.
During our extensive research, we also took part in online health forums. And we discovered millions and millions of people across the globe are facing a hard time finding informative vegan guides that are up to date.
Our Mission
Our mission is to enrich every person with the latest well-researched and factual information concerning vegetarianism to encourage them to change their ill-looking way of living. With our cooperative team of Nutritionists, vegan professionals, expert writers, and content editors, we are 110% sure of the knowledge we impart through our articles.
Our Vision
Basically, we envision a brighter future of a massive vegetarian population where we all put our diets in check by adopting affordable plant-based nutrition. As a people of today, we ought to turn back to nature to obtain the goodies we’ve been missing after all. Together we can reboot our mental health, our bodies, our eating culture, and ultimately ourselves.
At FitWithGreens, we believe that the best wealth is health. We see a better planet, better people, and a toxic-free environment where generations and generations to come would love living in and appreciate being born into it.
About The Founder
Kumar Deepam is a long-time health and fitness enthusiast. He already had a personal interest in vegetarianism even before starting his career path in the engineering industry. He knew he wanted to be all vegetarian. He desired to grow healthier and more fit.
But along the way, he lost ardor in being a vegetarian and became hardcore depressive, which was the beginning of his downfall.
One thing led to the other. He later found himself deep in the arms of alcoholism in 2016, which he thought would be his life henceforth. Barely did he know that his life was shattering into pieces and pieces as the days went by.
Three years down the line, in 2019, things took a turn. He realized he had set his foot on the wrong path and had no choice but to recollect himself into a new being. He had fallen out of shape. He felt he needed to practice self-love and self-care. That’s when he began training while taking Lacto Vegetarian Diet in a bid to regain his fit body, his former self. He believed this was a good mindset and proper habits to embrace to become a better person. The journey was successful
This further pushed him to develop the platform FitWithGreens to share his discoveries on fitness and a healthy lifestyle through vegetarianism. To date, he quests for the world to learn healthy eating habits and live a life of fulfillment knowing they’re healthy and fit, too, like himself.