Artichokes, also known as Cynara Cardunculus var scolymus, is full of medicinal properties. Some call it a vegetable, and some consider it a type of thistle. Whatever the name you may give it, Artichokes are packed with goodness that many people around the world aren’t aware of. Many have never heard of this vegetable that grows in the Mediterranean region.
Covered with spiky leaves, this bud of a thistle is considered part of the Asteraceae Family. Eating this vegetable is not an easy task. The main three edible parts of Artichokes are the base of its leaves, its innermost leaves, and the inner heart, which is meaty stuff full of nutrition.
How do Artichokes look like?
Commonly referred to as the Globe Artichoke, this is a perennial plant belonging to the aster family, primarily grown for its edible flower buds. This rare plant has large leaves that die every year after blossoming flowers. In addition, the vegetable has thick bracts surrounding the central flower head, also known as the heart of the Artichoke. You must also note that Jerusalem Artichoke’s particular variety that doesn’t resemble the typical French Artichoke is grown worldwide for its edible tubers.

Nutritional Values of Artichokes
Now comes the question of what makes Artichokes a superfood? Rich in antioxidants and other nutrients, this vegetable must be included in your vegan and vegetarian diet for sure. Listed below are the nutritional values of Artichokes per 100 grams of serving:
- Carbohydrates – 11g
- Dietary Fiber – 5g
- Protein – 3.3g
- Sugars – 1.2g
- Fat – 0.2g
- Potassium – 370mg
- Sodium – 94mg
- Magnesium – 50.5mg
- Calcium – 44mg
- Vitamin C – 8.9mg
- Iron – 1.28mg
- Calories: 64
Besides, this vegetable has traces of Manganese, Copper, Selenium, Zinc, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K. It is a power bank of nutrients and antioxidants.
Top 10 Health Benefits of Artichokes
#1. Good for Heart Health
The topmost advantage of Artichokes is that it is considered a heart-friendly vegetarian ingredient. Some ingredients in this vegetable help lower the harmful cholesterol levels (LDL) while increasing the good cholesterol levels (HDL) in the human body. With both the cholesterol levels under check, it helps prevent fatal heart attacks and chances of strokes.

#2. Controls Blood Pressure
The second surprising benefit of Artichokes is in controlling blood pressure. This superfood is a rich source of Potassium that helps neutralize sodium levels in the body, which are responsible for high blood pressure levels. Artichokes act like a Vasodilator for those taking medicines for hypertension.

#3. Improves Liver Health
Rich in antioxidants like Silymarin and Cynarin, Artichokes also play a powerful tonic for your liver health. Both these antioxidants are responsible for reducing the toxins from the liver and body. Besides, these two compounds are also beneficial for repairing and regrowth your damaged liver cells.

#4. Improves Digestion
Similarly, being a rich source of fiber, Artichokes are suitable for your digestive health. They promote the growth of gut-friendly bacteria and thereby help in preventing the risk of constipation, diarrhea, and bowel cancer. It won’t be wrong to say that Artichokes are no less than a probiotic with so much fiber in them.

#5. Helps Reducing Inflammation and Allergies
The Vegetarian Diet comprises natural fruits and vegetables that heal our body in some way or another. Artichokes too play an essential role in treating allergies. The reason is that Artichokes are rich in folate or Vitamin B, which helps reduce inflammation that causes symptoms of asthma and allergies.

#6. Reduces Blood Sugar Levels
Another study revealed that extracts from Artichoke’s leaves help lower blood sugar levels. Artichokes, mainly in a boiled form as a meal, regulate insulin levels, thereby reducing blood sugar levels in the human body.

#7. Boosts Metabolism and Immunity
The nutritional chart, in the beginning, revealed that Artichokes are rich in Magnesium and Manganese. Both these minerals are essential to building the body’s metabolism. This, in turn, helps strengthen the bone health of people who opt to consume this miracle food regularly.

#8. Possess Anticancer Properties
Another remarkable benefit of Artichokes is preventing cancer. As per a study published in the Lipids in Health and Disease Journal in 2018, extracts from Artichoke leaves are very effective in preventing cancer cell formation.
#9. Improves Brain Function
When disclosing Artichokes’ top 10 health benefits, we would also share their importance for your brain health. Being a Vasodilator, this vegetable enables more oxygen to reach your brain, thereby increasing your cognitive functionality. Besides, this thistle is rich in Phosphorus, which helps maintain the health of the brain cells.

#10. Helps Curing Hangover
As told earlier, some nutrients in Artichokes help eliminate toxins from your liver and body. So, it acts as a perfect hangover cure for people who had a night spent drinking an overdose of alcohol or other stiff drinks.

How to consume Artichokes?
An interesting thing to note is the method to cook and eat Artichokes. Nothing to worry about, as you will get several recipes to cook Artichokes. This plant-based food can’t be consumed in a raw form. The best way to eat this magical food is by steaming or boiling them. They act as a great appetizer and snack item if served with a sauce or dip. Just make sure the inner heart becomes tender when you try to consume this Vegan delicacy. A piece of caution for you is that since this vegetable is not readily available everywhere, you will hardly get a hold of fresh stock. So, try to consume it the same day of purchase.

Side Effects of Artichokes
Although consuming Artichokes is considered safe, we believe you must be aware of some of its side effects before deciding to finish it. Listed below are some risks involved with eating Artichokes:
- People suffering from gallstones or bile duct obstruction should avoid eating Artichokes because this vegetable may enhance the bile movement.
- Pregnant and breastfeeding women should also avoid consuming extracts of Artichokes to prevent any complications.
- Those allergic to flowers and thistles should also avoid consuming them to prevent allergies.
Words From FitWithGreens
Artichokes, the hidden wonder vegetable, is a rich source of many minerals and nutrients. Being a low-carb food and a vegan item yields multiple health benefits. People worldwide are slowly and steadily discovering the power of this superfood against various ailments like diabetes, cholesterol, indigestion, and toxicity in the liver.
So, if you seek a low-carb food full of nutrition, Artichoke is a must to try! With its nutty taste and meaty appeal, it can be a perfect alternative for all vegetarians who are bored of consuming the same old vegetables. Artichokes will not only be something interesting to try but packed with oodles of nutrition.