Thanks to nature for introducing us to beneficial shrubs like Daruharidra. Also known as Indian barberry or Berberis Aristata, Daruharidra is a spiny shrub with edible berries and healthy root bark. This shrub hails from the Berberidaceae family of shrubs and has been in use in Ayurveda for ages. Best known for its chemical compounds that are rich in anti-oxidant, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-tumor, anti-diabetic, and anti-inflammatory properties. On top of it, besides offering oodles of health benefits Indian Barberry is widely used as a dye for clothes, leather, and cotton.

With a bitter taste and hot potency, Daruharidra is remarkable in reducing pain and inflammation in the body. Be it leucorrhoea, menorrhagia, eye-related disorders, diabetes, colon cancer, or infection. Daruharidra is effective in relieving a plethora of health disorders naturally.
Other Names of Daruharidra
Daruharidra is a shrub with medicinal values. However, not everyone is aware of this shrub with this name only. Different people refer to it by different names such as the Berberis Aristata, Indian Barberry, Darchoba, Sumalu, Tree Turmeric, Mara Manjal, Darhald, and Kasturipushpa. One herb with many names and multiple benefits is Daruharidra for you in plain words!
Nutritional Fact Sheet – Daruharidra
What makes Daruharidra or Berberis Aristata beneficial for your health? For this, you must have a look at the nutrition found in this shrub full of medicinal values. Have a look at the nutrition found in Berberis Aristata:
- Vitamin C
- Isoquinoline Alkaloids
- Phytoconstituents like Berbamine, Epiberbine, Oxycanthine, and Palmatine
10 Surprising Health Benefits of Berberis Aristata or Daruharidra
Found at an altitude of over 3000 feet and more, this wild shrub called Berberis Aristata offers the following multiple health benefits:
#1. Treats Pitta Aggravation Disorders like Jaundice
Thanks to the antioxidant and hepatoprotective properties of Daruharidra that it helps to control the aggravated pitta in Ayurveda. Due to this fact, Daruharidra helps to manage symptoms of jaundice.

#2. Heals Skin Disorders like Eczema and Dermatitis
Daruharidra is rich in anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. Owing to this fact, this shrub is known to treat skin disorders like eczema and dermatitis. It is also found effective in treating skin burns and wounds. A paste of this shrub when applied to the affected skin area is extremely healing in nature.

#3. Amazing Effects on Your Heart
Consuming Daruharidra extract is beneficial for your heart too. It helps to regulate blood cholesterol levels, thereby reducing the chances of a heart stroke. Berberis is also effective in reducing triglycerides levels in the body.

#4. Daruharidra is Good to Treat Liver Diseases
Another remarkable health benefit of consuming Berberis Aristata is that it helps treat liver diseases. It helps to reduce the triglycerides levels in the body. It also manages the ALT and AST levels in the blood preventing damage to the liver.

#5. Offers Relief from Diarrhea
Like Shatavari, Berberis Aristata is effective in relieving symptoms of diarrhea. Diarrhea is caused due to aggravated Vata in Ayurveda. This shrub helps to control Vata to control diarrhea. For this, take half a teaspoon of Daruharidra powder with honey twice a day after meals.

#6. Daruharidra helps in treating Malaria
Likewise, you can trust the powers of this Green shrub called Daruharidra to treat malaria. Rich in anti-plasmodial and antimalarial properties, this shrub helps destroy the growth of the malarial parasites in the human body.
“The estimated number of malaria deaths stood at 627 000 in 2020”.

#7. Benefits of Berberis Aristata for Females
Daruharidra is a natural remedy for women suffering from heavy menstrual bleeding. This shrub is known for its astringent property that helps to relieve symptoms of Menorrhagia or heavy menstrual bleeding. Consume about half a teaspoon of Daruharidra powder with honey or milk twice a day to see the relief.

#8. Helps Increase the Platelet Count
The list of Berberis Aristata benefits is not over yet. This amazing shrub helps to increase the platelet count in the human body. The extract of Daruharidra also helps to prevent Thrombosis by restricting the platelet clumping.

#9. Berberis Aristata Helps Manage Diabetes
Another amazing health benefit of Daruharidra is in managing diabetes like Bamboo Rice. It acts as an anti-diabetic agent and improves insulin function by reducing insulin resistance in the body. Berberis also helps in enhancing the secretion of GLP-1 to control blood sugar levels.

#10. Eat Berberis Every Day to Keep Cancer at Bay
Consuming extract of Daruharidra is found to be effective in keeping cancer at bay like Pine Nuts. Also known as, the active plant alkaloid, Berberis helps to restrict the growth of cancer cells in the body. It is beneficial to treat colon and prostate cancer.
How to Consume Daruharidra?
You have three options to consume Daruharidra extract to fetch all the above-mentioned health benefits. These options are decoction, fruit powder, and fruit extract. If choosing to consume decoction, consume only between 50-100 ml per day to avoid side effects. If consuming fruit powder, then the recommended dose is between 3 to 5 gm. The dose for Daruharidra extract is 3 gm. The best way to consume Daruharidra powder is with honey or milk. Other options to consume this beneficial shrub extract are in the form of a capsule or tablet. You may consume 1 to 2 Daruharidra capsules or tablets twice a day.
Side Effects of Daruharidra
Owing to the fact that Daruharidra has a great potential to reduce your blood sugar levels, it may pose a threat. Those taking diabetic medicines should consume this extract after consulting with a doctor. We also advise pregnant women to consume Berberis only after consulting with a doctor. On the other hand, breastfeeding women and children can safely opt for Daruharidra without worrying about any side effects.
The Bottom Line
Ayurveda boasts of a plethora of health benefits of Daruharidra for skin, heart, liver, digestion, and eyes. Get this natural shrub to balance the Vata and Pitta activities in your body to help in proper liver functioning. Why try other things, when you have such a natural shrub to treat multiple health disorders in one go. Buying Daruharidra powder is not that tough at all. If you are unable to find it in your nearby pharmacist store, try ordering it online at Amazon.
Stay tuned to Fitwithgreens to learn more about such fascinating flowers, herbs, and miracle foods provided to us by the nature. From us at Fitwithgreens you will learn how to improve your dietary habits, and eat healthy to stay healthy.