Have you ever watched Fast and Furious, an American blockbuster action film featuring international figures with the highest accolades in the film industry? What amused you most?
Guessing it’s either the flashy cars, the rip-roaring street races, or the epic cast’s fit physiques.
Those brawny muscles definitely sent chills down your spine, and you could not think any further than following suit. It’s your new fascination, you conjure yourself being the next Vin Diesel, and nothing yet deters you. Maybe you’ve figured out how to bulk yourself up or not. However, it matters not when you get the hang of real tricks on increasing your increase muscle weight fast.
Oftentimes, novice bodybuilders start with much determination then lose morale along the way. We cannot blame them because it all narrows down to their misleading beliefs, impractical workout plans, or being too pumped up and expectant in the beginning. If you start small with a realistic mindset, you’ll ultimately achieve Increase muscle gain, which is the big thing you’re on the hunt for. Count on these seven tricks to grow and build your muscles.
#1. Increase your protein Intake
Without adequate protein consumption, there’s no need to indulge in fitness exercises. Instead of gaining muscles, you’ll lose more and more, contrary to your expectations. Protein is an essential macronutrient in the life of a bodybuilder, which should always come first in dietary considerations. Speaking of a higher protein intake, you should look out for foods highly rich in protein. And if necessary lean towards a vegetarian diet to be perfectly hale and hearty.

The muscle blocks are dependent on the amino acids present in proteins for growth and repairs. As much as you should take enough protein to build your muscles, there’s a recommended limit of 1.2 to 1.7 grams per kilogram of body weight per day, as stipulated by most scientific studies conducted. Overdosing on protein over a long time is fatal and may lead to protein poisoning and other adverse complications.
#2. Focus on a higher training volume
Hard work, patience, and consistency are the key virtues you must uphold from your first day of muscle training. Having these basics in mind, then training more heavily would be a breeze. By training more heavily, you increase the training volume such that your sets or repetitions are more. Training volume is pivotal in the hypertrophy of body Increase muscles weight, especially muscle groups, like the hamstrings and the glutes.

It’s calculated by multiplying the set times rep times the load (weight lifted). However, it’s important to note that, according to recent research, any number of sets between 6 and 20 will grow your muscles fast. And for more outstanding results, sticking to 8-12 sets would effectively work for bodybuilding. For example, if your fitness program initially involved dumbbell squats of four sets of 12 reps, you can gradually increase the figures to maybe five or six sets of 15 reps.
#3. Sleep more
Building muscles is not all about engaging in a fancy fitness program and gobbling up lots of food. Sleeping well enough, in fact, holds more weight than the other contributors to a huge muscle mass. Sleep affects your metabolism rate, workout performance, and human growth hormone levels in the body responsible for muscle gain.

Sleep-deprived bodybuilders, sleeping less than eight hours every day, show signs of increased fat storage and less protein breakdown. Worse, they are likely not to exercise vigorously on a consequent training session. For instance, Nutmeg is the solution for sleep-deprived people.
#4. Engage in fitness workouts more days a week : Increase Muscle Weight
Besides increasing your training volume, you ought to increase your training frequency. Training frequency is simply the number of times you workout your muscle groups in a week. Make the increase gradual, not to overtrain and put your health at risk but to grow your muscles faster and more robust. As a beginner, you may start with 2 to 3 days per week, then upgrade to 3 to 4 days per week at your intermediate level.
#5. Lift weights of a greater size
If you want to gain more muscles, you will have to lift heavier weights at some point. There are different types of weights, such as barbells and dumbbells, which are in varying sizes. When your muscle fibers and tissues get used to a certain weight, you feel no fatigue, and there is no visible progress of your muscles enlarging. What’s seen is stunted muscle growth. That necessitates you to start lifting a heavier weight next in size to trigger a continuous development of your muscles. If your training exercises included 2.5 kg weight lifts, you need to go up the ladder to 5kg weights, then to 10 kg weights, and so forth.

#6. Embrace compound fitness exercises
Compound exercises tend to engage not a single group of muscles but multiple muscle groups at a time. It’s the most effective in achieving overall muscle building. Compound exercises may also involve a combination of two or more exercises into one to work on a multi-group of muscles.
Examples of compound exercises are squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and many more. Considering squats, this kind of joint-movement exercise works the calf muscles, glutes, quads, hamstrings, and core.

#7. Take casein 30 minutes before sleep
With all sorts of protein powders available in the market today, it gets tricky to identify the best for your fitness routine. Casein protein powder is the in-thing to supplement your body with high protein levels against your carbohydrate intake. More protein suppresses fat build-up and encourages muscle growth and Increase muscle weight recovery, as said previously.
It’s recommended to take two scoops per casein shake and a maximum of 30 grams daily, approximately 30 minutes before bedtime. That helps catalyze the rate of metabolism to optimize protein absorption into the bloodstream. You can also substitute the casein powder supplements with all-natural sources, dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese with 70-80% casein content. Instead of casein powder, for instance, you may take a glass of milk.

Words from FitWithGreens
Muscle-building favors no lazy and undetermined person. As you can see, it requires much discipline and commitment beyond the fitness programs and routines. Though it may be a cumbersome activity, many more benefits come with the workouts and physical exercises done. Your overall health gets a boost, and it’s rare to find yourself diagnosed with complications like obesity, hypertension, or cardiovascular diseases. In fact, taking a bigger step by incorporating a vegetarian diet into your fitness program would be optimally beneficial to your health.
Otherwise, the above-listed tricks to gaining muscle weight fast have been backed by scientific research and proven to work. All you have to do is start implementing them today and consistently henceforth. You can share more ideas, even queries in the comment section. At FitWithGreens, we are always at your disposal to help you increase muscle weight transform both mentally and physically.