Being vegetarian is a healthy habit. It is not that you will have limited options to eat and less nutrition to feed your body. Nature has bestowed upon us several miraculous foods to stay healthy. One such superfood is wheatgrass. This forgotten grass has gained popularity over the last few decades. People have now discovered how healthy it is to include wheatgrass in the diet. The world is now yet aware of the many health benefits of this super-nutritious green grass.
Wheatgrass is nothing but the freshly sprouted leaves of the wheat plant. These are green leaves of the wheat plant, also known as, Triticum Aestivum. It is dry and thick grass that is bright green. Wheatgrass has very low calories, but it is rich in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Due to its green color, people also refer to it as green blood. Farmers grow wheatgrass to feed their animals. Now even human beings are feeding on it considering it a superfood.
Health experts now claim the countless benefits of this living food, called wheatgrass. The most common form of consuming wheatgrass is in the form of juice. However, you have an option to consume it in powder and tablet form too.
Wheat Grass – Nutrition Fact Sheet
Let us elaborate a bit more on what makes wheatgrass a superfood? What are the nutrients found in this fresh green grass? Here is a checklist of all the vital nutrients present in wheatgrass, have a look:
- Iron
- Magnesium
- Calcium
- Proteins
- Chlorophyll
- Phytonutrients
- Enzymes
- Amino Acids – 17 Types
- Vitamin A, B, C, E, and K
Besides, wheatgrass is a powerhouse of antioxidants. It also possesses great anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Our body needs these properties for overall well-being.
Surprising Health Benefits of Wheat Grass
Now, that we have given you a brief about what wheatgrass is? Let us discover some of the surprising health benefits of this green grass.
#1. Builds Immunity
Wheatgrass helps build our immunity. Full of immunomodulatory properties, wheatgrass helps to fight against infections. It stimulates your body’s immune response to various infections and ailments.

#2. Reduces Food Cravings
One, who consumes wheatgrass in juice or powder form stays fuller for a longer time. As a result, there is a downfall in food cravings. You do not indulge in overeating and binge on unhealthy food.

#3. Aids in Weight Loss
It is good that you already have superfoods like quinoa in your diet to help in weight loss. Add that extra push with wheatgrass. It helps to stimulate your overall metabolism. This grass helps in stimulating your thyroid gland. It thereby helps in losing excess weight.

#4. Wheatgrass Powder Aids in Digestion
Wheatgrass powder is rich in some alkaline minerals. These minerals are good for detoxifying your colon. It results in proper digestion. As a result, you stay away from issues like constipation, diarrhea, and stomach ulcers.

#5. Powerful Antidepressant
Trust in the power of wheatgrass to fight depression. You can keep aside anxiety with the help of wheatgrass. Being super-rich in iron, this green grass helps prevent depression. Like Moringa, wheatgrass is an excellent antidepressant.

#6. Prevents Dental Decay
Likewise, consuming wheatgrass is effective in preventing dental decay. Use wheatgrass in powder form to fight against dental issues and tooth decay. Massage the powdered wheatgrass on your gums and make them healthy and strong.

#7. Wheatgrass Prevents Skin Acne
Wheatgrass is a miracle food for your skin. This grass helps to prevent skin acne. Apply a paste of milk and wheatgrass powder to your acne. It will help you get back your glowing skin. Wheatgrass also helps to keep away body odor.

#8. Fights Off Cancer Cells
Wheatgrass is the ultimate superfood for your health. It helps to fight cancer cells. Studies revealed that wheatgrass has cancer-killing properties. It kills leukemia, and mouth cancer cells. Wheatgrass is effective in cancer management.

#9. Anti-aging Properties
Keep aside all your worries about aging aside. Inculcate a habit of consuming wheatgrass to look younger. This superfood has anti-aging properties that take care of your skin, even if you are aging. It prevents skin sagging and maintains proper skin elasticity. You can look younger if you consume wheatgrass.

#10. Fights Against Diabetes
Wheatgrass is an effective diabetes remedy. Wheatgrass is rich in fiber. Thus, it helps in absorbing sugar and cholesterol. It helps to manage blood sugar levels.

#11. Miraculous Remedy for Your Hair
Wheatgrass is one sure-shot formula for all your hair problems. Using wheatgrass powder on your hair treats dandruff and promotes hair growth. It also helps prevent greying of hair. When applied to the scalp, wheatgrass helps to stimulate hair growth.

How does Wheatgrass Taste?
Now comes the big question! How does the wheatgrass taste? The taste of this bright green grass could be anything between bitter and slightly sweet. The taste of this superfood depends on the seeds grown and the age of the wheatgrass. Make it taste good by adding ingredients like pineapple, honey, or fruit juice. Try making a wheatgrass smoothie. Feel free to search the internet for some wheatgrass recipes. You can easily enhance the taste of this superfood.

The Right Dosage of Wheat Grass
Start by consuming a small dose of wheatgrass to make your body used to it. If taking in liquid form, you can take 2 shots of 2 to 4 ounces of liquid wheatgrass juice. If taking it in powdered form, you should not take more than a teaspoon in a day. Try to drink a cup of water after consuming wheatgrass. It will keep aside the chances of suffering from any side effects. In some countries, there is also an option to buy wheatgrass capsules.
Side Effects of Wheat Grass
Make sure to purchase wheatgrass from a reliable source to avoid facing any side effects. The wheatgrass product you consume should be extracted from fresh and clean wheatgrass to eliminate the chances of side effects.
Some possible side effects one may experience due to wheatgrass are:
- Constipation
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS
- Nausea
- Headache
- Fever
A Word of Precaution
Eager to try wheatgrass? Do not try unless you go through the following precautions. Try this green blood called wheatgrass once you read the following precautions:
- People with gluten allergies or wheat allergies must avoid wheatgrass.
- Consuming wheatgrass may make your poop green, so don’t get scared.
- Wheatgrass may mess up with your stomach a bit. However, your stomach may get used to it slowly.
- Avoid using wheatgrass if you are pregnant or breastfeeding to prevent complications.
In a Nutshell
Want to enjoy all the above-mentioned surprising health benefits of wheatgrass? Then, consume it daily without a fail. Initially, you may experience some side effects, but do not give up. Check the right dosage and we recommend taking it on an empty stomach for best results.
If you love your health, we bet you can’t resist trying this superfood called wheatgrass. Next time you for grocery shopping, do pick a bottle of ready-to-use wheatgrass juice or powder. Both are easily available in the market. You can even order them online from 1mg or Amazon.